Rutger Boogers
- E-mail
- Telephone number +31 (0)88 - 141 08 64
- Education
University of Tilburg
- Admitted to the bar 26-02-2010
- Specialization
- Specialization training
- Grotius Education Environmental Law [cum laude]
- Legal Practice areas NOvA
- Tenancy law, including the subcategories Commercial space and Living space
- Environmental law, including de subcategories Environmental law, and Nature protection law, Spatial administrative law and Water law.
Who is Rutger Boogers?
Rutger Boogers is a partner of and has been working as a lawyer in the field of environmental law and real estate law since 2010 and is sector coordinator of BG.energie.
Rutger specializes in environmental law and the Environment Act, such as spatial planning, enforcement and environmental law, and completed the specialization course Grotius Environmental Law cum laude. He has specific expertise in the field of housing for migrant workers. Rutger has an active advisory and litigation practice for governments, entrepreneurs and private individuals. In addition, he has a great deal of experience with real estate law, in particular tenancy law for residential and business premises, land cases, prescription and compensation issues as a result of [un]lawful government actions.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Rutger is active as a member and [deputy] chairman of several appeals committees, including the committee of the municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch. He is also the permanent author of the Journal for Practical Administrative Law [SDU], for which he regularly writes articles and annotations. Rutger is a member of the Association of Environmental Lawyers [VMA] and a member of the Association of Real Estate Lawyers [VVJ].
Other positions and memership of professional accosiations
- Member of the appeals committee of the municipality of ‘s-Hertogenbosch
- Member of the appeals committee of the municipality of Oss
- Member of the joint appeals committee of the municipalities of Asten and Someren
- Member of the Association of Environmental Lawyers (VMA)
- Member Association of Real Estate Lawyers (VVJ)
- Member Young Bar ‘s-Hertogenbosch
- Permanent employee Magazine for Practical Administrative Law
Blogs Rutger Boogers
- "Aantasting van privacy reden om vergunning te weigeren? Jazeker!" - 30-04-2020 - Read More