Employment Law in the Tech Sector

Employment law ties in with all of BG.legal's areas of expertise. After all, every company, large or small, employs staff. Every industry has its own labor law concerns, including the tech sector. BG.legal has a team of specialists that can help you with all your questions around employment law in the tech sector.

What's going on?

Within the tech sector, our team of employment lawyers sees the following questions arise among employers:

How can I get staff from abroad to work in the Netherlands?

Within the Netherlands, the tech sector makes extensive and grateful use of highly skilled migrants. The Dutch High Skilled Migrant Scheme enables employers to easily hire non-European High Skilled Migrants. But what should you pay attention to? BG.legal's labor law specialists will be happy to advise you.

Who is eligible for the 30% rule?

Both European and non-European employees may be eligible for the 30% tax rule. The 30% rule is for employees coming from outside the Netherlands and working in the Netherlands temporarily. Earlier, Marlies Hol conducted a webinar on this topic; you can view this webinar here.

How can remote working be arranged?

Working from home is becoming more and more common. Many technical functions no longer require working from one location. Employees can work from home or anywhere in the world. Employers need to consider employment law concerns that this remote working presents. Consider drafting a work-from-home agreement.

Is there an employee or a self-employed worker when working for a platform?

An employer must always consider whether there is an employment contract or a contract of assignment. A contract of employment is concluded with an employee, a contract of assignment is concluded with a self-employed person. Several platforms have already been in the news because of contracts concluded with employees.

Need advice?

BG.legal's employment lawyers are involved in the tech sector on a daily basis. Among other things, they provide presentations for tech companies or groups. Do you have questions regarding labor law in the tech sector or are you interested in a presentation? Then contact the specialists at BG.legal.