Intellectual property

01 Mar 2022

What is intellectual property law?

Intellectual property is an umbrella term for different types of rights that protect creative works. By intellectual property rights we mean rights such as trademarks, design rights, copyright, patents and database rights. These rights protect the design of products, trade names, but also logos or the design of websites. Intellectual property law offers many forms of protection. They have one thing in common: all these rights are protected by law. Knowledge or know-how is not an official intellectual property right, although it can be a trade secret. Trade secrets are also protected by law. This is important if you intend to cooperate.


Intellectual property rights (‘IP’) offer opportunities. Opportunities to protect and commercialize know-how and other results of creative efforts. IP gives a monopoly through which the IP holder has exclusive control over the exploitation of the IP.

Our specialists can help you with various questions. For example, they can investigate whether an IP has arisen and how it can be protected. We also take care of the registration of trademarks and designs. We charge a fixed fee per registration. Click here for the price list for trademark registrations. Naturally, we can also help if a party infringes your IP.

Which protection options are available?

Within intellectual property law, we distinguish between the following rights. Each right offers its own means of protection:

We also call copyright the ‘right of the author’. Read here about the advantages of copyright.

Trademarks & Designs
The protection of trademarks and designs does not arise automatically. Read about the registration procedure here.

Domain Names
Get the most out of your domain name. The more creative, the more protection. Read here about the transfer of domain names.

Trade names
You enter the market with your trade name. Customers will recognise you by your trade name. Is a competitor infringing on your trade name? Read here about what you can do about it.

Trade secrets
The protection of trade secrets is very important. Read here about protecting and sharing trade secrets.

Slavish imitation
Does your work not qualify for any of the above protection? Then you can always rely on slavish imitation. Read here how this works. is a partner of Legal AIR