jurisdiction Bankruptcy & Restructuring

There will be few business owners who have not been faced with the bankruptcy of one of their relations in recent years. Whether it is a customer, a supplier or a debtor; bankruptcy is often very unpleasant and, as a rule, has no winners. However, we can see if the damage can possibly be limited. For example, by properly agreeing on a retention of title. We can also take the communication with a receiver off your hands.

You are thinking of filing for bankruptcy yourself

Sometimes you have fought for what you are worth, but have been unable to turn the tide. Then we can help you file for your own bankruptcy. But even in that case, a new opportunity can arise precisely as well. This is the so-called restart. Reasoned from the bankruptcy situation, a relaunch can also certainly mean good news for the staff, creditors, suppliers and others involved. The path from technical bankruptcy to a restart is complex, in which – if well thought out – a real second chance can arise. We can guide you through this process.

Restructuring through WHOA

With the introduction of the WHOA (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord) the possibilities for restructuring have increased. Companies in dire straits are given the opportunity to restructure their debts outside bankruptcy or suspension of payments by offering a (forced) composition to (part of) their creditors. By restructuring debts through a WHOA trajectory, the company can move forward again and bankruptcy is prevented. It is also possible to wind up a company through the WHOA in a controlled way.

Lawyers at BG.legal can help you assess whether a WHOA settlement makes sense for the company of which you are a director, shareholder or creditor respectively, and assist you in this process. We also offer guidance if your creditors or shareholders request to offer a settlement on your behalf.

Might the WHOA also represent a solution to your company’s debts? Or are you confronted with a party that wants to start or has started a WHOA procedure? If so, please contact us without obligation.

I want a free consultation
about the possibilities for my business.

Direct contact with our specialists

Daan Schalken
Dirk School
Marc Heuvelmans
Tom Oerlemans
Remco de Jong
Karlijn van der Meule
Robbert van de Ven

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Direct contact with our specialists

Daan Schalken
Dirk School
Marc Heuvelmans
Tom Oerlemans
Remco de Jong
Karlijn van der Meule
Robbert van de Ven