Your partner for European trademark applications and support for non-European trademark agencies

17 Oct 2024

Trademark and design protection is crucial for companies aiming to expand internationally. For businesses and trademark agencies, both within and outside the European Economic Area (EEA), provides expertise and support for European trademark and design applications.'s services for European trademark and design applications

  1. Trademark and design applications within the EU: Assisting with the filing of European trademark and design applications.
  2. Trademark monitoring and renewal: monitors trademarks for potential infringement and assists with the renewal of trademark registrations.
  3. Enforcement and infringement proceedings: Our lawyers and attorneys take swift action in cases of infringement.

Support for non-EEA trademark agencies

  1. EU representation: Non-EEA companies must have a European representative for trademark and design applications. acts as a legal representative and represents businesses before the EUIPO.
  2. Strategic partnership: We offer non-EEA trademark agencies support with legal matters and trademark monitoring within Europe.

Why choose

We offer a client-focused, efficient approach with in-depth knowledge of European trademark and design law. Whether you are a business looking to protect your brand in Europe or a trademark agency seeking support for your clients, provides tailored solutions.

Contact Mustafa Kahya for more information on how we can protect your brand in Europe.

Hereby the turkish version.

Mustafa Kahya