Our point of departure is that – in discussion with you – we shall try to find a solution to the problems that have arisen as soon as possible. We shall at all times confirm this solution to you in writing. This complaints procedure describes how we shall go about finding this solution with you.
To start with we ask that you discuss your complaint with the lawyer or employee in our law-firm to whom the complaint relates. If this does not lead to a solution, then you can take your complaint to us.
Which complaints can you bring to us?
- complaints about the behaviour or a lawyer affiliated with our firm
- complaints about the behaviour of an employee of ours who is not affiliated with our firm as a lawyer.
To whom can you complain?
Our law-firm’s complaints officer deals with complaints. A.A.H.M. van der Wijst LL.M is currently responsible for dealing with complaints. K.W.H. Albert LL.M is responsible for dealing with a complaint about A.A.H.M. van der Wijst.
How to submit a complaint.
A complaint should be submitted in writing. You can submit a letter of complaint by sending a letter or an e-mail to the complaints officer.
A written complaint should state:
- the name, (e-mail) address and telephone number of the complaining party
- the person about whom the complaint is being made
- a description of the behaviour to which the complaint relates and the moment at which the complaining party became aware of the behaviour.
Admissibility of the complaint.
A complaint will not be processed if:
- the complaint is not submitted within 3 months of the moment at which the complaining party became aware – or could reasonably have become aware – of the behaviour to which the complaint relates.
- the complaint relates to behaviour about which the complaining party submitted a past complaint, and which was settled in accordance with our firm’s complaints procedure.
We shall inform the complaining party in writing, with grounds, of a refusal to process a complaint within 1 week of receiving the complaint.
How will the complaint be processed?
The complaints officer will contact the complaining party by telephone or in writing within 2 weeks after receiving a complaint that has been deemed admissible and will examine whether the complaint can be settled amicably.
To this end the complaining party will be invited to attend a discussion with the complaints officer. The complaining party will be informed in writing, with grounds, about how the complaint will be settled.
March 2013