jurisdiction IP/IT & Privacy
Intellectual Property (IP)
Intellectual property rights (“IP”) provide opportunities. Opportunities for protecting and commercializing know-how and other results of creative efforts. Intellectual property rights include trademarks and designs, copyright, patents, database rights and trade names.Intellectual property law provides a monopoly, giving the holder exclusive control over the exploitation of intellectual property rights.
Our specialists can help you with a variety of questions. For example, they investigate whether IP has arisen, and how the IP can be protected. We also handle the registration of trademarks and designs. In doing so, we use fixed fees so that you know in advance where you stand.
Naturally, we can also help if a party infringes your IP.
IT law
Well-functioning software is crucial for every company. Whether it is a production company or a service provider. The choice of new software is therefore an important moment. Both for the supplier and the customer. The supplier has a duty of care here. After all, he knows that software is often crucial to the buyer’s business operations. The customer must ensure that his wishes and expectations are made clear and that he raises the alarm in time when things threaten to go wrong. Yet things still sometimes want to go wrong. The buyer buys a car and expects a Ferrari. The supplier delivers a Volkswagen and thus has delivered a car. The customer is not satisfied after all. And then there may be a failed automation process.
BG.legal is a partner of Legal AIR.
It has been a few years since the introduction of the AVG. At that time you probably spent a lot of time and attention to implementing the AVG in your business processes: drafting new agreements (think of the processor agreements), adjusting the website (e.g. cookie statement and privacy statement) and drafting internal (policy) documents (including the data breach protocol).
In recent years, however, there have been many developments in the field of privacy. This has implications for certain texts and documents. It is therefore wise to check whether you are still acting in accordance with the applicable privacy laws and regulations.
Do you have any questions or would you like advice? Please contact our specialists.
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