Purpose of a trademark search
When you apply for a trademark, the trademark office checks if it adheres to relevant laws and regulations. However, they don’t investigate if your application infringes on an existing trademark. Our trademark search focuses on whether your desired mark or a very similar one has already been registered for the same goods and services. For instance, a basic search may overlook marks that are almost identical, like those differing by just one letter or slight spelling variations.
What is a basic trademark search?
In a basic trademark search, we look for exact matches in the trademark registry. This involves checking if an identical mark is registered for similar products or services and if it’s actively in use. Based on this search, we compile a report detailing our findings.
What is a comprehensive trademark search?
A comprehensive search goes further. We investigate both identical and similar trademarks that could impact your application. This includes examining the nature of goods and services, usage of the registered mark an usage of the mark as a trade name. After this thorough analysis, we provide a detailed report with advice on the feasibility and potential risks of your trademark application.
How we conduct a trademark search
Our process includes:
- You fill out a questionnaire with key details.
- We prepare an offer based on your information.
- We conduct a detailed search on the word mark.
- We draft a report based on our findings.
- We discuss the report and our advice with you.
The cost of a trademark search varies. It depends on the type of mark, the number of classes, and whether you choose a basic or comprehensive search. If you’re interested in searching for multiple trademarks or in different classes/jurisdictions, we can provide information on additional costs.
More information?
If you are interested in a comprehensive trademark search, please contact Mustafa Kahya without any obligation by filling in the form below.