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[ID] => 36370
[post_author] => 65
[post_date] => 2023-05-23 10:00:32
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-05-23 08:00:32
[post_content] => As a brilliant marketer, communications expert, or designer, you create the most fantastic advertising and marketing campaigns. But let's face it, nobody wants to be confronted with legal challenges that can undermine your work. Don't worry, we have the solution for you!
With the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription, we offer you the opportunity to get quick and easy answers to all your first-line legal advertising and marketing questions. No more hassle with complex laws and regulations, but direct access to a specialized legal expert in intellectual property law (advertising law, trademark law, and copyright law).
What can you expect?
The process of creating new concepts, brands, logos, or slogans is a creative journey where you don't want to be distracted by legal obstacles. With the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription, you can reach out to our specialists anytime via email or phone. Ask your question and receive an immediate response or a concise investigation that can be completed within fifteen minutes. And if a more in-depth analysis is required, we'll provide you with a clear time estimate and offer a 10% discount on the hourly rate.
Who is the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription for?
We are here to assist any creative professional involved in marketing, communication, and advertising, whether for their own business or for clients. Whether you're a marketing agency, communication agency, or design agency, we understand your specific needs and provide the legal support you require.
Cost and duration
For a fixed price of just €85,- excl. VAT per month, you can take advantage of the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription. This is a one-year subscription that will be automatically renewed if you're satisfied. We ensure you have peace of mind. Not happy after one year? The subscription will automatically terminate.
Try without worries?
We want you to experience the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription with peace of mind. That's why we offer you a 10% discount on the subscription price for the first three months. Additionally, during this period, you'll have a trial period. If you decide to cancel within the first three months, you can do so at any time. You'll only pay for the months in which you used the subscription.
What are you waiting for? Ensure your creative expressions are legally sound and join the BG.legal Marketing Helpline today.
Here you can find the Dutch version.
[post_title] => Don't let your creativity go to waste with the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription!
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => open
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[post_name] => dont-let-your-creativity-go-to-waste-with-the-bg-legal-marketing-helpline-subscription
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[post_modified] => 2023-09-18 15:35:35
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[1] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 35590
[post_author] => 26
[post_date] => 2023-03-27 11:39:13
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-03-27 09:39:13
[post_content] => BG.legal has registered a team of AI specialists for the AI Grand Challenge in St. Gallen Switzerland. At the beginning of April, 6 teams will be selected from the registrations, which will investigate compliance of an AI system with the AI Act and may advise on this.
Team members |
Organisation |
Function |
Stefan Leijnen |
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht |
Professor in Artificial Intelligence |
Frederick Droppert |
BG.legal |
IT Lawyer, data scientist |
Stan Elsendoorn |
BG.legal |
IT Lawyer |
Robin Verhoef |
BG.legal |
Paralegal, Master student Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Eindhoven University of Technology |
Noëlle Cicilia |
Brush-AI |
ethical AI consultant, EngD in Data Science at Jheronimus Academy of Data Science |
Jasper de Kort |
Twentynext |
lead data scientist |
Substitute members |
Marieke Peeters |
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht |
Senior researcher Responsible Applied AI |
Jos van der Wijst |
BG.legal |
IT Lawyer |
More information: https://www.thegrandchallenge.eu/
[post_title] => BG.legal signs up team for AI Grand Challenge
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[post_name] => bg-signs-up-team-for-ai-grand-challenge
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[post_modified] => 2023-03-27 11:43:50
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-03-27 09:43:50
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[2] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 15032
[post_author] => 26
[post_date] => 2022-07-13 10:00:28
[post_date_gmt] => 2022-07-13 08:00:28
[post_content] =>
BG.legal heeft voor u alle faillissementen van de rechtbanken Oost-Brabant, locatie 's-Hertogenbosch en Zeeland-West-Brabant, locatie Breda op een rij gezet zodat u daar eenvoudig kennis van kunt nemen. Mocht u een van de bedrijven die failliet verklaard zijn herkennen of daarvan schuldeiser zijn dan kunt u een mail sturen naar Marc Heuvelmans. Hij kan u alles vertellen over uw positie en de rechten die u als schuldeiser in het faillissement kunt uitoefenen.
Uitspraken Rechtbank Oost-Brabant, locatie ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Uitspraken Rechtbank Zeeland-West-Brabant, locatie Breda

[post_title] => Faillissementsuitspraken
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[post_modified] => 2023-09-14 10:59:57
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-09-14 08:59:57
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[3] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 12018
[post_author] => 6
[post_date] => 2018-03-27 10:47:18
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-03-27 08:47:18
[post_content] =>
Bogaerts & Groenen Advocaten will organize a meeting on ‘How block chain can be used in the AgriFood chain'
When: Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Where: Den Bosch
In four presentations the practical applications of block chain for the AgriFood will be outlined.
With block chain technology the complete food production chain could be made transparent. With block chain technology insight can be given from which farm a product originates, who has processed the product, who transported the product, who packaged the product and how the product ended up on the shelf of the supermarket. In this way block chain technology could contribute to sustainable production and transparent supply chains. In this way block chain technology could contribute to the restoration of consumer confidence in food.
But to what extent is this only theory? To what extent can this be used in practice in the Agri Food sector?
- What is already clear and what is not?
- How can AgriFood companies use this technology?
- What are opportunities and threats?
- What are the experiences of other Food companies with block chain technology
- What are the legal issues of block chain technology
Speakers will discuss:
1. Block chain in practice for AgriFood companies
- Introduction what is block chain, what problem does it solve?
- How does it work? What are the components?
- How does block chain work in practice (different types / functionalities)
- Where are the opportunities and threats of block chain for AgriFood companies?
2. The legal aspects of block chain / smart contracts
- What is block chain and what are smart contracts?
- Applications of block chain and smart contracts
- Legal aspects of block chain (governance, privacy, applications)
- Legal aspects of smart contracts (qualification, change and termination, disputes)
- Future legal challenges
3. Practice case A
4. Practice case B
14.30 Reception
15.00 Block chain in practice
15.30 Legal aspects of block chain / smart contracts
16.00 Pause
16.15 Practice case A
16.45 Practice case B
17.15 End + drinks
Free entrance.
Sign Up
Prior notification is required. For more information and registration, please contact Jos van der Wijst:
[post_title] => Meeting: ‘How blockchain can be used in the AgriFood chain'
[post_excerpt] =>
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[comment_status] => open
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[post_name] => meeting-how-blockchain-can-be-used-in-the-agrifood-chain
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2019-06-11 15:55:25
[post_modified_gmt] => 2019-06-11 13:55:25
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[guid] => https://bgadvocaten.nl?p=12018
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[4] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 7860
[post_author] => 26
[post_date] => 2014-10-29 00:00:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2014-10-29 00:00:00
[post_content] =>
Crediteuren die een vordering willen aanmelden in het faillissement van New Store Europe B.V. kunnen hier het crediteurenformulier downloaden:
Creditors who want to file a claim in het insolvenc of New Store Europe B.V. can download the proof of claim file here:
[post_title] => New Store Europe BV
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => open
[ping_status] => open
[post_password] =>
[post_name] => new-store-europe-bv-2
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2019-06-10 15:13:28
[post_modified_gmt] => 2019-06-10 13:13:28
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[guid] => http://bgadvocaten.nl/en/2014/10/29/new-store-europe-bv-2/
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[5] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 7867
[post_author] => 26
[post_date] => 2012-08-21 00:00:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2012-08-21 00:00:00
[post_content] =>

Our debt collection unit is designed to recover commercial debts quickly and cost effectively.
We act for all types of commercial clients from sole traders with one or two bad debts to large companies with more debts to recover, in The Netherlands and abroad. We also have close relationships with accounting practices and act for them in the recovery of book debts owed to troubled and insolvent businesses.
Our services range from a simple letter demanding payment of a debt to complex commercial litigation and insolvency services.
We are happy to negotiate with debtors, to conduct proceedings and attend Court appointments. In short, we can take away the headache of chasing debts and have a positive impact on your cashflow.
Key aspects of our service are:
- for clients 24x7 access for status updates and reporting
- for clients comprehensive legal reports for analysis
- competitive and flexible pricing structure
- no-win-no-fee debt collection for undisputed debts
- same day processing of instructions
- the recovery of international debt
- a network of international collection lawyers to recover foreign debts.
- commercial Law, litigation and insolvency support.
Please contact:
Debt Collection Manager Miriam van Ruijven on
ruijven@bg.legal or 0031 (0)411 657 569, or
Debt Collection lawyer Jos van der Wijst on
wijst@bg.legal or 0031 (0)411 657 521
for more information or advice.
Zie ook
debt collection.
[post_title] => Debt Collection
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => open
[ping_status] => open
[post_password] =>
[post_name] => debt-collection-2
[to_ping] =>
[pinged] =>
[post_modified] => 2021-12-24 11:12:36
[post_modified_gmt] => 2021-12-24 10:12:36
[post_content_filtered] =>
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[guid] => http://bgadvocaten.nl/en/2012/08/21/debt-collection-2/
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[6] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 7871
[post_author] => 26
[post_date] => 2012-07-24 00:00:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2012-07-24 00:00:00
[post_content] =>
Looking beyond the facts; beyond what seems apparent. Fathoming from different perspectives. Understand. Go in-depth into what really matters. Really get to know a person. Exchange views and come up with refreshing solutions. Act proactively and react decisively. That’s what Bogaerts & Groenen lawyers stand for. We study your personal circumstances, your background, market and objectives, and invest in a long-term relationship.
Thanks to our versatility and size, we work for a great variety of clients and are involved in a wide range of cases. From take-overs to criminal trials, from corporate law to health regulations. Our clients are national and international companies, some of which are quoted on the stock exchange, from all sectors of trade & industry, as well as consultancies, small and medium-sized companies, private persons and self-employed people, foundations, and various governmental and non-governmental bodies and institutions.
[post_title] => Office news
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[comment_status] => open
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[post_name] => office-news
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2019-06-10 15:24:15
[post_modified_gmt] => 2019-06-10 13:24:15
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[guid] => http://bgadvocaten.nl/en/2012/07/24/office-news/
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[ID] => 36370
[post_author] => 65
[post_date] => 2023-05-23 10:00:32
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-05-23 08:00:32
[post_content] => As a brilliant marketer, communications expert, or designer, you create the most fantastic advertising and marketing campaigns. But let's face it, nobody wants to be confronted with legal challenges that can undermine your work. Don't worry, we have the solution for you!
With the
BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription, we offer you the opportunity to get quick and easy answers to all your first-line legal advertising and marketing questions. No more hassle with complex laws and regulations, but direct access to a specialized legal expert in intellectual property law (advertising law, trademark law, and copyright law).
What can you expect?
The process of creating new concepts, brands, logos, or slogans is a creative journey where you don't want to be distracted by
legal obstacles. With the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription, you can reach out to our specialists anytime via email or phone. Ask your question and receive an immediate response or a concise investigation that can be completed within fifteen minutes. And if a more in-depth analysis is required, we'll provide you with a clear time estimate and offer a 10% discount on the hourly rate.
Who is the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription for?
We are here to assist any creative professional involved in marketing, communication, and advertising, whether for their own business or for clients. Whether you're a marketing agency, communication agency, or design agency, we understand your specific needs and provide the legal support you require.
Cost and duration
For a fixed price of just €85,- excl. VAT per month, you can take advantage of the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription. This is a
one-year subscription that will be automatically renewed if you're satisfied. We ensure you have peace of mind. Not happy after one year? The subscription will automatically terminate.
Try without worries?
We want you to experience the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription with peace of mind. That's why we offer you a 10% discount on the subscription price for the first three months. Additionally, during this period, you'll have a trial period. If you decide to cancel within the first three months, you can do so at any time. You'll only pay for the months in which you used the subscription.
What are you waiting for? Ensure your creative expressions are legally sound and join the BG.legal Marketing Helpline today.
Here you can find the Dutch version.

[post_title] => Don't let your creativity go to waste with the BG.legal Marketing Helpline subscription!
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As a brilliant marketer, communications expert, or designer, you create the most fantastic advertising and marketing campaigns. But let’s face it, nobody wants to be confronted with legal challenges that...
Read more
BG.legal has registered a team of AI specialists for the AI Grand Challenge in St. Gallen Switzerland. At the beginning of April, 6 teams will be selected from the registrations,...
Read more
BG.legal heeft voor u alle faillissementen van de rechtbanken Oost-Brabant, locatie ‘s-Hertogenbosch en Zeeland-West-Brabant, locatie Breda op een rij gezet zodat u daar eenvoudig kennis van kunt nemen. Mocht u...
Read more
Bogaerts & Groenen Advocaten will organize a meeting on ‘How block chain can be used in the AgriFood chain’ When: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 Where: Den Bosch Topic In...
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0 Crediteuren die een vordering willen aanmelden in het faillissement van New Store Europe B.V. kunnen hier het crediteurenformulier downloaden: crediteurenbrief crediteurenformulier Creditors who want to file a claim in...
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Our debt collection unit is designed to recover commercial debts quickly and cost effectively. We act for all types of commercial clients from sole traders with one or two bad...
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Looking beyond the facts; beyond what seems apparent. Fathoming from different perspectives. Understand. Go in-depth into what really matters. Really get to know a person. Exchange views and come up...
Read more