Practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register

The advocates listed below have registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas:

  • Kim Albert is registered for Environmental law, including the subcategories Environmental law,  Nature protection law, Spatial administrative law, Water law and registered for Real Estate law, including the subcategory Construction law, Neighbor dispute, Heritages services, Ground lease.
  • Rutger Boogers is registered for Tenancy law, including the subcatergories Commercial space and Living space, Environmental law, including de subcategories Environmental law, and Nature protection law, Spatial administrative law and Water law.
  • Jos van der Wijst is registered for Intellectual property law.
  • Liedeke Floris is registered for Family law, including the subcategories Collaborative divorce, Divorces, Alimony matters, Visitations, Mediation, Parenthood and recognition.
  • Edith de Koning-Witte is registered for Personal injury law.
  • Daan Schalken is registered for Insolvency law and Corporate law.
  • Remco de Jong is registered for Insolvency law and Corporate law.
  • Dirk School is registered for Insolvency law and Corporate law.
  • Rik Wevers is registered for Procurement law, Employment law, Real estate, including the subcategory Construction law.
  • Marc Heuvelmans is registered for Insolvency law, Contract law and Civil procedural law, including the subcategory Litigation.

Based on this registration, they are required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.