Damage and Insurance


As a private person or entrepreneur, you will have taken out various insurance policies, such as medical insurance and car insurance, and, if you are an entrepreneur, you may have a disability insurance, a company liability insurance, and an insurance against loss of profits. Naturally, if you have suffered damages or if you are held liable, you will call in your insurance company. However, insurers do not always pay out or even take up the claim. Sometimes, they will give reasons such as ‘claim submitted too late’, ‘damage not within coverage’ or ‘information not correct’. If you have any dispute with your insurer, please don’t hesitate to call us in.

Bogaerts & Groenen and Damage and Insurance

Our specialists in the areas of damage and insurance will offer you expert assistance. We will help you to determine the liability and negotiate with the other party or his/her insurer about the compensation of your damages. These may include compensation of any medical and other costs, domestic help, loss of income, or monetary compensation. Other examples include job rehabilitation or vocational retraining. We will only work for you and not for the insurance company.
The Bogaerts & Groenen lawyers are specialised in the following areas:

  • Traffic accidents
  • Industrial accidents
  • Medical faults
  • Occupational illnesses
  • Injuries incurred during sports and games
  • Product liability
  • Damage in case of self-employed persons
  • Damage in case of death
  • Damage caused by animals
  • Company indemnity insurance

Onze specialisten

Kim Albert
Jos van der Wijst
Marc Heuvelmans
Liedeke Floris
Daan Schalken
Edith de Koning-Witte
Dirk School
Rutger Boogers
Rik Wevers
Michael de Marco
Tom Oerlemans
Hester van den Broek
Miriam van Ruijven
Marlies Hol
Mustafa Kahya
Remco de Jong
Yvonne Vetjens
Karlijn van der Meule
Noa Rubingh
Britt van den Branden
Robin de Hoon
Robbert van de Ven
Magdaleen Jooste
Hub Dohmen
Anne Verberne
Jody Esveldt
Irene de Mol van Schijndel
Ralf Kerkhof
Cas Kroese
Mika Veldhuis
Daniëlle Hack