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Industry Summit on Data Product Oriented Architectures (POA)

6 september, 2024 - 13:00 - 14:00


On September 5th  and 6th, 2024, JADS will host the first-ever Industry Summit on Data Product Oriented Architectures (POA). The summit aims to bring together scientists researching the state-of-the-art in POA with industry practitioners in order to:

  • Facilitate knowledge sharing between practitioners from non-competing organizations that face similar challenges when implementing a decentralized data (POA) architecture;
  • Make academic knowledge more readily available to industry practitioners;
  • Challenge academia to address the real-world problems organizations are facing with their POA transitions;
  • Foster collaboration between industry and academia.

Day 2 – Program Friday 06-09

09.00 Keynote 2 – Prof. Dr. Bernhard Mitschang, Head of the institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems at Universität Stuttgart
10.00 Workshop slot – Various speakers
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Workshop slot – Various speakers
14.00 Data contracts: building & designing the future of data engineering – Jean-Georges Perrin
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Data Domain Panel Discussion – KPN, DPG Media, ABN AMRO
16.30 Wrapup + Manifesto

Between 13.00 and 14.00, Jos van der Wijst will speak as one of the speakers.

More information and/or register? Click here.


6 september, 2024
13:00 - 14:00


Sint Janssingel 92
's-Hertogenbosch, 5211 DA Nederland
+ Google Maps

Onze specialisten

Kim Albert
Jos van der Wijst
Marc Heuvelmans
Liedeke Floris
Daan Schalken
Edith de Koning-Witte
Dirk School
Rutger Boogers
Rik Wevers
Michael de Marco
Tom Oerlemans
Hester van den Broek
Miriam van Ruijven
Marlies Hol
Mustafa Kahya
Remco de Jong
Yvonne Vetjens
Karlijn van der Meule
Noa Rubingh
Britt van den Branden
Robin de Hoon
Robbert van de Ven
Magdaleen Jooste
Hub Dohmen
Anne Verberne
Jody Esveldt
Irene de Mol van Schijndel
Ralf Kerkhof
Cas Kroese
Mika Veldhuis
Daniëlle Hack