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Webinar NDA, secrecy and cooperation

15 april, 2021 - 11:00 - 12:00


“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. Knowledge sharing is often required. Not only for tech/data startups. For grants you have to form consortia and therefore cooperate together. For the manufacturing of products you sometimes need larger companies. Again, you have to share knowledge. For new services/products, like Artificial Intelligence products/services you have to convince parties to trust you with this order. And again, you have to share knowledge.

How to share knowledge? Why a Non Disclosure Agreement? What to do when the other party refuses to sign an NDA? When do you need a mutual NDA? When does an NDA end? What is a cooperation agreement required? What to do when the other party refuses to agree with an NDA? How to disclose information without an NDA?

During this webinar two presentations will be held:


Jos van der Wijst,

Jos van der Wijst



Jeremias Gromotka, Carl Zeiss Vision


11.00     : opening by Jos van der Wijst

11.05     : presentation Jeremias Gromotka (Carl Zeiss Vision)

11.20     : presentation (to be confirmed)

11.35     : presentation Jos van der Wijst (

11.50     : Q & A

12.00    : end of webinar


15 april, 2021
11:00 - 12:00

Carl Zeiss Vision



Onze specialisten

Kim Albert
Jos van der Wijst
Marc Heuvelmans
Liedeke Floris
Daan Schalken
Edith de Koning-Witte
Dirk School
Rutger Boogers
Rik Wevers
Michael de Marco
Tom Oerlemans
Hester van den Broek
Miriam van Ruijven
Marlies Hol
Remco de Jong
Yvonne Vetjens
Karlijn van der Meule
Noa Rubingh
Britt van den Branden
Robin de Hoon
Robbert van de Ven
Magdaleen Jooste
Hub Dohmen
Anne Verberne
Jody Esveldt
Irene de Mol van Schijndel
Ralf Kerkhof
Cas Kroese
Daniëlle Hack
Mustafa Kahya
Mika Veldhuis