Food & Agro

The Food & Agro Business is one of the crown jewels of the Dutch economy. It is a highly dynamic sector, with fluctuating market prices and saturated markets on the one hand, and rising costs of land, energy and labour on the other.
Many years ago, this sector opted to link economic perspective to Corporate Social Responsibility. For the coming years, it will remain a challenge to connect sustainability and profit in an optimum way. Innovation, cross-chain collaboration, international entrepreneurship – these are some of the major points of attention for the Food & Agro Business.
Several lawyers at our office originate from the region and know the sector well.

In what ways can we assist you?

  • Partnership contracts
  • Taking into consideration the opportunities and threats, we will advise you in the drawing up of various collaboration contracts with customers, suppliers, investors and other partners
  • Knowledge and product development
  • We will advise you how to protect your know-how or how it can be shared in an optimum way. Furthermore, we will advise you how to lay down this knowledge and product development into contracts, and how they can be protected by means of patents, grower’s rights, etc.
  • Food safety
  • A number of national and international laws and regulations exist in the area of food safety. We will advise you where your opportunities and threats lie. For example, we can advise you in the various contracts about the agreements comprised in these concerning, for example, product liability and product recall
  • International entrepreneurship
  • If you enter into contracts with foreign parties, you will come across aspects such as: which law applies, applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention yes/no, applicability of INCO terms yes/no and if so, which, etc. We can advise you about these aspects. Thanks to our international contacts, we will probably know a lawyer in the country of your trading partner, so that, if necessary, we are able to call in a local lawyer.

For whom?

  • Companies in the food industry
  • Companies in the animal feed industry
  • Investors in the Food & Agro sector

Onze specialisten

Kim Albert
Jos van der Wijst
Marc Heuvelmans
Liedeke Floris
Daan Schalken
Edith de Koning-Witte
Dirk School
Rutger Boogers
Rik Wevers
Michael de Marco
Tom Oerlemans
Hester van den Broek
Miriam van Ruijven
Marlies Hol
Mustafa Kahya
Remco de Jong
Yvonne Vetjens
Karlijn van der Meule
Noa Rubingh
Britt van den Branden
Robin de Hoon
Robbert van de Ven
Magdaleen Jooste
Hub Dohmen
Anne Verberne
Jody Esveldt
Irene de Mol van Schijndel
Ralf Kerkhof
Cas Kroese
Mika Veldhuis